

Elizabeth Kiss SUMMIT Directorship

Thank you for supporting The Elizabeth Kiss SUMMIT Directorship!

On this secure form, you can: 

  • Make a one-time gift at any giving level.
  • Make pledge with automatic monthly installments.
  • All gifts on this form support The Elizabeth Kiss SUMMIT Directorship Endowment Fund.
Gift Information
Your gift will be matched to your class using your provided name and contact information.
$ 2,500.00
$ 1,000.00
$ 500.00
$ 250.00
$ 100.00
Additional Information
If you select an installment pledge, your credit card will NOT be charged today, but on the 15th of every following month for the number of installments you specify.
Gift Frequency:
Billing Information
Payment Information
help *
Matching Gifts
Dedication of Your Gift (optional)
141 E. College Ave., Decatur, GA 30030 Tel: 404.471.6000 | 800.868.8602